General Regulations

The International Chess Federation (FIDE)
The Czech Chess Federation
AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice agency
Categories 50+ and 65+
Prague, the Czech Republic
5th – 15th March 2020
1. Invitation
AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice agency (the organizer of Czech Open Pardubice and Czech Tour Chess Festivals Series), the Czech Chess Federation and the World Chess Federation (FIDE) have the honour to invite all senior women and men throughout the world to participate in the WORLD SENIOR TEAM CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (categories 50+ and 65+) organised in Prague (the Czech Republic) from 5th March (arrival) to 15th March 2020 (departure)
2. Participation
The World Senior Team Chess Championship is open to all players, regardless of rating and title, who reach their age of 50 and 65 by 31st December 2020 and represent National Chess Federations which are members of FIDE. Teams can register only through their national chess federations. There is no limit in the number of teams per federation (club teams, city teams, regional teams, national teams, etc. may start in the championship, there is no limitation). There is only one limitation – all team players must be members of the same chess federation (for example CZE).
According to the FIDE tournament rules, the World Championship will be played in four categories: age 50+ and 65+ (Open and women). A separate tournament will take place only with a minimum of 10 teams from at least 2 continents. If these conditions are not met, then the teams may participate in the corresponding age category in the Open Section, or (in case of Women 65+), they can take part in the Women’s section 50+.
All players and teams are obliged to be accommodated in one of the official hotels through the organizer.
3. Entry fees and registration
Entry fees: Each player has to pay 75 EUR in 4-member team or 70 EUR in 5-member team as (organizing) fees. FIDE fee is 0 EUR. Regarding FIDE Resolution on Financial Regulations on 21st September 2019 all FIDE veteran fees were waived.
Entry fees must be paid simultaneously with the application. The payment must be made by bank transfer on account:
Account number: 107-1452020277/0100
IBAN: CZ0801000001071452020277
The registration period ends on 25th January 2020 (application deadline), after that the starting fee for a player is 90 EUR.
In addition to the written application, a personal registration before the beginning of the tournament is necessary. This will be done on 5th March, in the Olympik hotel between 14.00 and 22.00 and on 6th March between 8.00 and 10.00. Players, who are not registered in this way, cannot be included in the drawing of lots and their entry fees will be forfeited.
Access to playing areas, venues and the hotels will be allowed only to people accredited by the organizer.
4. Deposit on accommodation:
Each team who book accommodation through the organizer, have to pay deposit in the amount of 150 EUR per person together with the whole entry fees payment on the following account:
Account number: 107-1452020277/0100
IBAN: CZ0801000001071452020277
The same amount has to be paid for each accompanying person which accommodation is ordered by the team.
5. Tournament halls
The tournament hall for 65+ open category and women 65+ category is situated at the Olympik Congress hotel, U Sluncove 14, Praha 8
The tournament halls for 50+ open category and women 50+category is situated at the Olympik hotel, Sokolovska 138, Praha 8.
6. Accommodation and boarding
Accommodation and boarding will be arranged at following hotels:
Olympik Artemis hotel****+, U Sluncove 14, Praha 8
WiFi in a room and common areas
Single room - 88 EUR / room and night with half board
Double room – 68 EUR / person and night with half board
Triple room – 64 EUR / person and night with half board
Olympik hotel****, Sokolovska 138, Praha
WiFi in a room and common areas
Single room - 84 EUR / room and night with full board
Double room – 64 EUR / person and night with full board
Triple room – 60 EUR / person and night with full board
Olympik Congress hotel****, U Sluncove 14, Praha 8
WiFi in a room and common areas
Single room - 84 EUR / room and night with full board
Double room – 64 EUR / person and night with full board
Triple room – 60 EUR / person and night with full board
Olympik, Tristar hotel***+, U Sluncove 14, Praha 8
WiFi in a room and common areas
Single room - 54 EUR / room and night with breakfast
Double room – 36 EUR / person and night with breakfast
Triple room – 32 EUR / person and night with breakfast
Parking in the area of the Olympik hotel for participants of World Championship for special price 150 CZK/day
7. Tournament schedule
Thursday | 5th March | arrival | |
Thursday | 5th March | 14:00 - 22:00 | teams registration |
Friday | 6th March | 8:00 - 10:00 | teams registration |
Friday | 6th March | 11:00 | technical meeting, opening ceremony |
Friday | 6th March | 15:00 | 1st round |
Saturday | 7th March | 15:00 | 2nd round |
Sunday | 8th March | 15:00 | 3rd round |
Monday | 9th March | 15:00 | 4th round |
Tuesday | 10th March | 15:00 | 5th round |
Wednesday | 11th March | 15:00 | 6th round |
Thursday | 12th March | 15:00 | 7th round |
Friday | 13th March | 15:00 | 8th round |
Saturday | 14th March | 13:00 | 9th round |
Saturday | 14th March | 20:00 | closing ceremony |
Sunday | 15th March | departure |
8. Rules and regulations
The FIDE Tournament Rules should be followed.
The championship will be played by a 9-rounds Swiss system.
It will be played on 4 chessboards with 1 allowed reserve player (teams can consist of 4 or 5 members).
The time rate is 2x 1,5 h/40 + 30 min + 30 s / move.
Default time for all 9 rounds is 30 minutes.
9. Anti-Cheating guidelines
The FIDE Anti-Cheating guidelines are also valid for the World Senior Team Chess Championship. During the championship random AC inspections are possible.
10. Appeals procedure
A protest against the decision of an Arbiter must be submitted in writing to the Chief Arbiter, within 30 minutes after the end of the game. A protest fee of 200 Euro has to be paid to FIDE and it is refundable if the protest is upheld. The Appeals Committee may also decide to refund the fee if it considers the appeal was not frivolous.
11. Scoring system and criteria used for ranking
1. number of match points (win = 2 points, draw 1 point, lost game 0 points)
2. number of game points (score)
3. mutual game
4. Buchholz Cut 1
5. Buchholz
6. Sonneborn-Berger
The team with a free lot will obtain 2 match points and 50% of points to the score. If the opponent default the match, the team will obtain 2 match points and 100% of points to the score.
Prizes for teams, which get the same number of match points and game points, are distributed according to the Hort system (among such number of teams which corresponds to the number of advertised prizes).
12. Arbiters and Appeals committee
The names of the Chief Arbiter and the Chairman of Appeals committee will be published till 31st January 2020. Names of other arbiters and members of the Appeals committee will be announced during the technical meeting.
13. Chess equipment
DGT 3000 and DGT XL clocks, DGT electronic boards and STAUTON standard chess sets.
14. Tournament games
All tournament games will be available on the championship websites free of charge.
15. Awards and titles
The winning team of the World Senior Team Chess Championship in +50 category receives the title “World Senior Team Champion 2020 in the category +50”
The winning team of the World Senior Team Chess Championship in +65 category receives the title “World Senior Team Champion 2020 in the category +65”
The winning women team of the World Senior Team Chess Championship in the women category +50 receives the title “World Senior Team Champion 2020 in the women category +50”
The winning women team of the World Senior Team Chess Championship in the women category +65 receives the title “World Senior Team Champion 2020 in the women category +65”
16. Prizes (in EUR)
Prize fund | WSTCC Open | WSTCC Open | WSTCC - women | WSTCC - women |
Rank | category 50+ | category 65+ | category W50+ | category W65+ |
1 | 1 500 | 1 500 | 500 | 500 |
2 | 1 000 | 1 000 | 200 | 200 |
3 | 700 | 700 | 100 | 100 |
4 | 500 | 500 | ||
5 | 300 | 300 | ||
6 | 200 | 200 |
Valuable material prizes will be prepared for best players on individual chessboards.
Criteria will be specified during the technical meeting.
17. Accompanying activities
Rapid and blitz tournaments
Guided tour of the Prague historical centre
Excursion to the Staropramen brewery
Competition in Sudoku
18. Airport transfer
The organizer arranges the transfer from the Vaclav Havel airport in Prague to the Olympik hotel on the arrival day (5th March) and on the departure day (15th March) for 10 EUR/ 1 way for participants and accompanying persons
19. Communication
Communication is possible in following languages: ENG, GER, RUS, POL, SVK, CZE.
20. Applications and information
AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o., Strossova 239, 530 03 Pardubice, the Czech Republic
Tournament director: IO Dr. Jan Mazuch
Phone: +420 466 535 200, mobile phone +420 608 203 007
E-mail:, official website in English: