General Regulations

The European Chess Union (ECU)
The Chess Federation of the Czech Republic
AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice agency
under 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
Prague, August 17th – 28th, 2016
1. Invitation
AVE-KONTAKT Pardubice agency (the organizer of Czech Open Chess Festival and Czech Tour Chess Festivals Series, the organizer from now), the Czech Chess Federation and the European Chess Union have the honour to invite all European Chess Federations affiliated to FIDE and ECU to participate in the EUROPEAN YOUTH CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP organised in Prague, Czech Republic from 17th August (arrival) to 28th August (departure) 2016.
2. Participation
2.1. Each federation can register one (1) player in each of the categories - under 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 (boys and girls), the maximum number of twelve (12) players ("invited players").
2.2. The players placed 1-3 in the European Youth Chess Championship 2015 will have the personal right to participate in the tournament in the corresponding age-category or a higher age-category if they fulfill the conditions that they have not reached the age of 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 or 18 years, respectively, by January 1st 2016.
This privilege may be exercised once exclusively in the subsequent year following the year of the qualification.
2.3. In order to ensure proper tournament standards, all invited players and extra players have to register through their national federations before 30th June 2016 (registration deadline). The entry form should be filled in by the national federation on the official website of the championship.
2.4. Each federation can register an unlimited number of extra players.
2.5. According to the ECU Rules (Article B.14.5.1) for youth tournaments the players are obliged to stay in one of the official hotels.
Access to playing areas, venues and the hotel will be allowed only to people accredited by the organizer.
3. Fees
3.1. In accordance with the ECU regulations the entry fee of 65 EUR is required for each invited player and player with a personal right; and 130 EUR for each extra player (those who play as "open" participants).
3.2. According to the ECU regulations, federations are obliged to make the payment of the ECU fee on the ECU bank account before the start of the competition. If the entry fee does not reach the ECU bank account by the end of the second round, these participants will not be paired in subsequent rounds.
3.3. The organization fee of 150 EUR for covering part of accommodation expenses, required for each invited player, player with a personal right and the chief of delegation must be paid by 30th June 2016.
4. Registration
4.1. The entry form must be filled in by the national federation on the official website of the championship no later than 30th June 2016. This date is the registration deadline. After that, federations will not be able to register or modify any registrations. After this date all the registrations have to be confirmed by the organizer and the ECU.
4.2. Players will not be paired until all their registration details are filled in.
5. Travel conditions
The organizer can arrange the transfer from the Prague airport to the hotel. Transfer on the first day (17th August) and the last day (28th August) will be free of charge for players and delegation chiefs. On other days the organizer will charge 10 EUR per person (both ways) for these people, for accompanying persons it is charged in both cases. The distance is 28,5 km (25 - 50 min by bus).
6. Payments
6.1. The ECU fees must be paid before the start of the competition on the account of the European Chess Union:
Bank: Credit Suisse
Postfach 357
CH - 6301 Zug
Account number: 1835105-42
Holder: European Chess Union
National Bank Code: 4835
IBAN Code: CH3604835183510542000
6.2. After on line registration has been completed on the official website of the championship by the national federation, an invoice with all necessary bank details for payment will be sent. Organization fees, accommodation and transfer costs must be paid to the account of the organizer by 30th June 2016.
6.3. All bank commissions must be paid by a sender, if they are not paid, the organizer will provide an invoice which must be paid before the start of the championship.
7. Lodging and boarding
7.1. Lodging and boarding will be provided at the TOP HOTEL Praha ****, Blazimska 1781/4, Praha 11. All tournament halls are situated at this hotel.
7.2. Invited players, players with personal rights and delegation chiefs (only with a FIDE Trainer licence) will be accommodated with full board in double rooms of “standard” category. Booking and payments for these rooms must be made and sent to the organizer no later than 30th June 2016. The booking is considered to be assured when organization fees are paid.
Invited players, players with personal rights and delegation chiefs who are registered after 30th June 2016, pay an extra charge of 100 EUR each.
All the above-mentioned payments are non-refundable if the booking is cancelled. Free lodging and boarding will be provided from 17th August (dinner) to 28th August (lunch). Any additional overnights will be charged as at 7.3.
7.3. Extra players, coaches and accompanying people will be accommodated with full board at the TOP HOTEL Praha **** as others. All extra players are obliged to stay at this hotel. Booking and payments for their rooms must be made and sent to the organizer no later than 30th June 2016. All the above-mentioned payments are non refundable if the booking is cancelled.
Lodging per room with full board (full board includes breakfast, lunch and dinner):
Standard rooms (522 rooms)
(a bathroom with a shower and a toilet, wireless internet connection, satellite TV and mini-bar)
single room (min. 15 m2) - 80 EUR / room per night
double room (min. 15 m2) - 110 EUR / room per night
Executive rooms (165 rooms)
(a bathroom with a shower and a toilet, wireless internet connection, satellite TV and mini-bar)
single room (30 m2) - 100 EUR / room per night
double room (30 m2) - 130 EUR / room per night
triple room (30 m2) - 150 EUR / room per night
Superior rooms (76 rooms)
(two separate bathrooms - a large bathroom with a corner bath and a smaller bathroom with a shower, high speed internet connection LAN, satellite TV and mini-bar, air-conditioning)
single room (30 m2) - 120 EUR / room per night
double room (30 m2) - 150 EUR / room per night
triple room (30 m2) - 180 EUR / room per night
Suites (44 suites)
(two separate rooms: a two-bed room and a living room, spacious bathroom equipped with a shower and the choice of various cosmetic products, wireless internet connection, satellite TV and mini-bar
1 person in a suite (2x 13 m2) - 150 EUR / room per night
2 people in a suite (2x 13 m2) - 180 EUR / room per night
3 people in a suite (2x 13 m2) - 210 EUR / room per night
Federations have the possibility to make the room reservations for invited players and players with personal right players in the rooms they wish in pre-reservation (no name pre-reservation is possible) by May 31, 2016.
After May 31, the reservations will be based on “First come first serve” principle.
If the number of rooms in Top hotel is not sufficient, the organizer will provide additional rooms in other hotels.
7.4. Accommodation will be available after the head of delegation receives hotel vouchers in the central office.
8. Tournament halls
All tournament halls are situated at the TOP HOTEL Praha ****, Blazimska 1781/4, Praha 11.
9. Transport connection:
It takes app. 20 minutes to get from the city centre to the hotel by public transport: from the metro station line C “Chodov” take bus No. 115 to the bus stop “Mestsky archiv” which is situated right in front of the hotel.
It takes app. 10 minutes from the city centre by car: the D1 highway – exit “Sporilov, Chodov” – turn right at the first crossroads – go straight on at the second crossroads, turn left at the third crossroads – turn right after 50 m – the main road leads to the hotel.
10. Tournament schedule
Wednesday | 17th August | arrival | |
Wednesday | 17th August | 20:00 | opening ceremony |
Thursday | 18th August | 10:00 | technical meeting |
Thursday | 18th August | 15:00 | 1st round |
Friday | 19th August | 15:00 | 2nd round |
Saturday | 20th August | 15:00 | 3rd round |
Sunday | 21st August | 15:00 | 4th round |
Monday | 22nd August | 15:00 | 5th round |
Tuesday | 23rd August | free day | |
Wednesday | 24th August | 15:00 | 6th round |
Thursday | 25th August | 15:00 | 7th round |
Friday | 26th August | 15:00 | 8th round |
Saturday | 27th August | 13:00 | 9th round |
Saturday | 27th August | 20:00 | closing ceremony |
Sunday | 28th August | departure |
Players from those federations, which are not represented at the technical meeting, may not be paired according to the decision of ECU board.
11. Rules and regulations
The ECU Tournament Rules should be followed.
The tournament will be played by a 9-rounds Swiss system. National ratings will not be taken into consideration for pairings. The time rate will be 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
Default time for all 9 rounds is 15 minutes.
12. Anti-Cheating guidelines
The FIDE Anti-Cheating guidelines are valid for all the European Championships. (Article B.3.4)
During European Youth Championship random AC inspections are possible.
13. Appeals procedure
Appeals Procedure Protests against decisions of the Chief Arbiter must be submitted in written form to the Chairman of the appeals committee within one hour after completion of the playing session. The protest must be accompanied with the sum of 200 €, as a deposit from the signatory. If the appeal is granted, the sum shall be returned immediately. If the appeal is refused, the deposit is forfeited to the European Chess Union. The appeal has to be lodged by the player. The decisions of the Appeals Committee are final.
14. Scoring and tie-breaking system
12.1. The score in each game is 1 for a win, ½ for a draw and 0 for a lost game.
12.2. Tie-breaking:
The order of players that finish with the same number of points shall be determined by application of the following tie-breaking procedures in sequence, proceeding from (a) to (b) to (c) to (d) to (e) the extent required:
(a) Results of direct encounters between the tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other), (b) Buchholz Cut 1, (c) Buchholz, (d) The greater number of games played with black, (e) The Greater number of wins.
15. Arbiters and Appeals committee
The names of the Chief Arbiter and the Chairman of Appeals committee will be published not later than 1st June 2016. Names of other arbiters and members of the Appeals committee will be announced during the technical meeting.
16. Tournament bulletin
The tournament bulletin will be available on the website for all interested persons free of charge.
17. Visa information
The federations, players and accompanying people needing visa are requested to contact the organizer till 30th June 2016. The organizer will provide invitations for visas only after the necessary payments. Schengen visas are valid in the Czech Republic.
18. Prizes
16.1. The first three players in each group will be awarded medals; the first five players in each group will be awarded cups, diplomas and valuable prizes.
16.2. Each participant will receive presents.
16.3. The total amount of all prizes and presents will be 20.000 EUR at the minimum.
19. Parallel activities
FIDE seminars for trainers, arbiters and organizers will be organized during the championship.
20. Currency
The local currency is the Czech Crown (CZK), 1 EUR = around 27 CZK
21. Tournament office
AVE-KONTAKT s.r.o., Strossova 239, 530 03 Pardubice, Czech Republic
Tournament Director: IO Dr. Jan Mazuch
phone: +420 466 535 200, mobile phone + 420 608 203 007
e-mail:, Official website (information and on-line registration):