The European Senior Team Championship 2021 ended today at the Don Giovanni Hotel in Prague.
[CZE] ME seniorských družstev 2021 zná své vítěze.
V pražském hotelu Don Giovanni bylo dnes zakončeno Mistrovství Evropy seniorských družstev 2021.
The European Senior Team Championship 2021 has moved into its second half. (the second press release)
The Championship continued in the Don Giovanni Hotel in Prague, at the moment five rounds have already been played in both categories.
[CZE] Mistrovství se přehouplo do své druhé poloviny. (druhá tisková zpráva)
V pražském hotelu Don Giovanni pokračovalo Mistrovství Evropy seniorských družstev, v současné chvíli je již odehráno v obou kategoriích pět kol.
European Senior Team Championship 2021 started. (Introductory press release)
On Monday, August 30, 2021, the European Senior Team Championship was launched at the Don Giovanni Hotel in Prague.
[CZE] ME seniorských družstev 2021 zahájeno. (Úvodní tisková zpráva)
V pondělí 30. 8. 2021 bylo v pražském hotelu Don Giovanni zahájeno Mistrovství Evropy seniorských družstev.

The registration is available till 22nd of August
The registration deadline without an extra fee for the late enrolment has been prolonged by 22nd of August.

Over 20 teams already registered!
There were 21 teams registered by 10th of August. You can see preliminary starting lists at links below:

Welcome to the ESTCC 2021 official website
Welcome to the European Senior Team Chess Championship 2021 official website which will provide you updated information about this event.