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Live Coverage of 100 games
Live coverage of first boards in all categories -
Pairings, results and standings
Pairings, results and standings of all categories.
Latest news

Závěrečná tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po sedmém kole

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po šestém kole

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po pátém kole

Press news after 4th round

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po čtvrtém kole

European Youth Chess Championship makes headlines of prestigeous French magazine

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po třetím kole

Tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu po druhém kole

Úvodní tisková zpráva z ME mládeže v šachu

Press news about starting of EYCC 2012

Pairing, continuos results and standings

Confirmed players
List of confirmed players in all categories was published on our website. FIDE ratings of players will be updated according to the August FIDE rating list before the pairing.
The topical and checked starting lists are available on Chess Results.

Trainers’ Seminar for FIDE Trainer Titles In Prague - Registration Deadline Prolonged!
The Trainers’ Seminar will be held in Prague from 21-23 August, during the European Youth Championship.The seminar will be held regardless of the number of registered participants. The organisers have decided to prolong the registration deadline until the start of the seminar.

FIDE Trainers' Seminar